SorSU NSTP-ROTC successfully conducts 1st Youth Leadership Summit (YLS)

The SorSU NSTP-ROTC Unit of the Sorsogon City Campus held its first Youth Leadership Summit (YLS) last April 30, 2023. The said activity was made possible through the initiative of the ROTC Commandant, Maj Annamy N Nero (OS) PA in cooperation with CPT Michelle F Estares (MI) PA, CO, 93CMOC and LTC Genevee E. Dañas (ARM (GSC) PA, CO 9CMOBn, 9ID PA.

It was participated by all ROTC Advanced and Basic cadets of the Main Campus. The activity was graced by the presence of Ma. Claire M. Dicen, NSTP Director.

The purpose of YLS is to develop and enhance leadership skills, self-confidence, teamwork, discipline, the spirit of volunteerism, and a sense of nationalism. It was a day filled with fun and students’ leadership potentials were revealed. (SorSU NSTP)


(Video credits to 9CMO Kaagapay Battalion Facebook account)