Discover Overseas Agricultural Training Programs

We are inviting our fourth-year agriculture students and graduates to join the “USA Agricultural Training Programs Webinar Orientation” on Monday, March 4, 2024 at 9:00 AM, hosted via Zoom.

This event is made possible through our collaboration with FAREAST, an esteemed representative of a US Sponsoring Organization dedicated to fostering international exchange and training in agriculture.

Don’t miss out on this invaluable opportunity to expand your horizons and gain insights into global agricultural practices!
To secure a slot, simply register using the provided link:

Remember to accomplish the evaluation form after the webinar to ensure your attendance and receive your e-certificate.
The Zoom Meeting details are as follows:
ID: 930 8215 5634
Passcode: 118563

Take a look at the program details here:

We look forward to welcoming you in the webinar! (Sorsogon State University-Castilla Campus)