Professional Regulatory Board of Agriculture conducts inspection and monitoring for curricular programs, faculty and staff at SorSU – College of Agriculture

The Professional Regulatory Board of Agriculture headed by its Chairperson, Dr. Emma Sales conducted an inspection and monitoring in the university’s curricular programs, faculty and staff in Agriculture on March 6, 2024 at the Farmer’s Training Center, Sorsogon State University, Castilla Campus.

The program formally commenced with the welcome remarks of Dr. Jhonner D. Ricafort, VP for Academic Affairs. Dr. Rochelle N. Aragon, Dean of the College of Agriculture presented the curricular programs, faculty and staff while Dr. Emma K. Sales presented the statement of purpose and the evaluation process.

As a gracious way of showing courtesy, SUC III President Dr. Geraldine F. De Jesus extended her warm greetings to Dr. Sales and her team for travelling great distance despite their busy schedule to accommodate the inspection and monitoring of the College of Agriculture. She also thanked SorSU Castilla Campus Director, Prof. Andrew Detera, Dr. Aragon and the entire College of Agriculture for the meticulous preparation for the said evaluation visit. Lastly, she said, “Let us all be reminded that the purpose of program evaluation is the strengthening of the curricular programs that our university offers to our students – by identifying the vital areas that we have already satisfactorily complied and those that can still be improved and developed through the comments and recommendations of the evaluating team. If we have to offer agricultural programs in this campus, we have to ensure that the curriculum, faculty, staff, facilities and equipment satisfactorily pass the assessment. Remember that our purpose is not only to produce graduates with diplomas – but to train professional agriculture experts who will contribute to the agricultural production and food sustainability of our country.”

SorSU’s fundamental principle in providing quality education is to adapt to the ever-evolving educational environment. With a shared mission to offer excellent education, SorSU’s key officials and educators continuously explore ways to develop more effective curricular programs and top-notch faculty. (SorSU PIO)