sorsogon state university - research, extension and training

WE create

Photo: Pili (Canarium Ovatum) from Sorsogon, Philippines

sorsogon state university - research, extension and training

WE capacitate

Photo: From Project PhycoPRO

sorsogon state university - research, extension and training

WE collaborate

Photo: SorSU Researchers and Extensionists with De La Salle University – Social Development Research Center (DLSU-SDRC)

sorsogon state university - research, extension and training

WE connect

Stars form bright curved patterns in the skies of Bulusan, Sorsogon. (Photo from the Project SBI Files)


The SorSU-RET is Committed to advancing knowledge and serving our community, we are dedicated to pioneering research, impactful outreach, and transformative learning experiences.


The Office of the Research, Extension and Training abides by the following key objectives, mandates, policy statement and process to further its vision and mission to be a research university.


Delving into diverse disciplines and community-focused projects, our news articles highlight innovative research, impactful extension programs, and transformative training endeavors.


A globally recognized future-proof Research, Extension and Training arm on knowledge and technology generation for sustainable community advancement and empowerment.


The SorSU Research, Extension and Training Office commits to cultivating a culture of state-of-the-art discovery of knowledge and technological innovations in various disciplines that promotes and sustains resource-based Sorsogon culture through global partnerships and linkages.


To champion and sustain research-based programs and projects in meeting the needs and demands of various stakeholders at different levels responsive to the dynamically changing local and international environments.

The RET Management

The Office of the Research, Extension and Training abides by the following key objectives, mandates, policy statement and process to further its vision and mission to be a research university.

RET Introduction


  1. Formulate and implement institutional policies and guidelines for effective SorSU research and extension services at par with the global standards.
  2. Develop research and extension programs/projects/activities in consonance with the international, national, and regional strategic development plans, thrusts and priorities.
  3. Implement research and extension programs that address local and global challenges, focusing on community empowerment and sustainability.
  4. Generate new knowledge and pursue viable researches and sustainable extension programs with strategic partners that would help alleviate the socio-economic conditions of the beneficiaries in the province and cater to the industry needs and the larger market in all levels.
  5. Provide flexible modern and innovative platforms for a smooth flow of the research and extension programs/projects/ activities of the University.
  6. Effectively disseminate and commercialize packaged new knowledge and technologies from research in support to the clients/community needs.
  7. Strengthen local and foreign consortia and linkages for resource generation needed in the implementation of impactful research and extension programs and activities.
  8. Effectively evaluate and monitor the impact of research, extension and training programs/ projects/ activities for continual improvement.


We Create. The SorSU community commits to produce new knowledge and technology along the identified areas of specialization that will impact the community it serves.

We Capacitate. The SorSU ensures human resource development and provision of facilities to transform ideas into innovative products, processes and services.

We Collaborate. The SorSU optimizes partnership and cooperation between and among stakeholders attune with the triple helix of innovation to foster social economic development and sustainability.

We Connect.
The SorSU’s derived knowledge and technology has to be shard in any mode after its protection to maximize its potential of utilization benefiting the immediate community and industries.

RET Mandates, Structure and Statement


The University Research and Extension Training (RET) empowers its internal and external stakeholders while creating strong partnerships and linkages with local and international organizations in bringing developments and impacts to society.


The Office of Research, Extension and Training (RET) has two major component offices, namely, Research and Development, and Extension and Training that spearhead the mandated functions on knowledge and technology (KT) generation and KT utilization, respectively. 

A diagram of a road with different directions

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Figure 1. SorSU RET Knowledge and Technology (KT) Roadmap

The SorSU RET mandates that KTs produced shall be assessed and protected as prerequisites in pursuing KT transfer, sharing, and commercialization applying the continuum process of KTs utilization mandates as illustrated in Figure 1. 

Knowledge management shall be an integral part of each of the units/ offices under RET to establish databases of any derived KTs of faculty members in various disciplines that would support and strengthen KT creation, protection, transfer, sharing, and commercialization. 

Feedback from various stakeholders and partners shall be an integral part in the review and formulation of the RET agenda of the university for continual improvement. All KTs generated by each program of the University shall be aligned to the set RET agenda.

SorSU RET Organizational Structure

The SorSU Research, Extension and Training (RET) mandate is supported by its organizational structure which is headed by the University President. Directly reporting to the Office of the University president is the Vice President for Research, Extension and Training (VPRET) who is in-charge of the day-to-day operations of the RET programs, projects, and activities at the institutional level. On the other hand, the Campus Director (CD) who is also directly reporting the University President is in-charge of the day-to-day operations of the niched RET programs, projects, and activities at the campus level.

A diagram of a company

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Figure 2. SorSU Research, Extension and Training Organizational Structure

The VP for RET is supported by the Director for Research and Development and the Director for Extension and Training together with the Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IP-TBM) Head and the Publication and Knowledge Management (PKM) Head with their respective roles and functions. 

There are special units/centers directly reporting to the VPRET in the university such as the Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab) and the Pili Research Center managed by its respective manager/head to support innovation activities of the internal and external stakeholders in partnership with the concerned agencies/organizations.

To strengthen participation of the stakeholders along with the mandates under the RET, there shall be a council formed that reviews, evaluates and monitors the programs, projects and activities towards achieving the plans and targets of the university.


The Sorsogon State University’s Research, Extension, and Training (RET) Agenda, as outlined in SorSU BOR Resolution No. 59, s. 2022, encompasses a comprehensive framework aimed at fostering innovation, sustainability, and community empowerment across various domains.

The RET Agenda for 2023-2027 integrates ten (10) thematic areas with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Philippine Development Plan (PDP), aligning with national and local priorities. It also prioritizes provincial commodities like crops, livestock, and fisheries, ensuring practical application and impact in community-based research and extension projects.

We Create.
We Capacitate.
We Collaborate.
We Connect.

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