Dr. Chua presents at the 2023 Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference in SNU, South Korea; visits International Relations Office for academic mobility programs

Scaling and accelerating its robust desire to be at par with the eminent ASEAN universities, the Sorsogon State University has inched another remarkable international story. Dr. Vivien L. Chua, Director for International Relations was invited as a paper presenter in the 2023 Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference held in Seoul National University (SNU) Republic of Korea on October 19-21,2023. This global break though gears for a new engagement for the University’s Global Education goals with the SNU.

During the paper presentation, Dr. Chua highlighted the dynamics of Tourism Psychology as an approach in her Local Tourism Sustainability model- infusing the social psychological features which are not commonly recognized at tourism destinations.

Surrounded by scholars and research scientists the said conference and assembly are filled with creative think tanks and actors whose multidisciplinary efforts could forge international cooperation for promoting science and development in Asian countries.

Gracing the event is the former UN Secretary General and one of the brainchild of the UN 17SDGs His Excellency Ban Ki Moon.

Surrounded by scholars and research scientists the said conference and assembly are filled with creative think tanks and actors whose multidisciplinary efforts could forge international cooperation for promoting science and development in Asian countries. (SorSU IRO)