SorSU-ISO capacitates Sorsogon City Campus faculty, non-teaching personnel, & campus coordinators on QMS Monitoring and Awareness

To ensure and safeguard the proactive commitment to upholding its quality management standards, Sorsogon State University – International Organization for Standardization (SorSU-ISO), headed by Prof. Shirley G. Dicen (Head, SorSU-ISO), spearheaded a Quality Management System (QMS) Monitoring and Awareness Session in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7.3 (Awareness) to all faculty, non-teaching personnel, and campus coordinators of SorSU-Sorsogon City Campus on January 11, 2024, at the SorSU University Library, Sorsogon City Campus.

Prof. Shirley G. Dicen (Head, SorSU-ISO) discussed the fundamentals, goals, and significance of the Quality Management System (QMS). Moreover, Prof. Dicen oriented the attendees regarding the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, as well as shared relative findings during the previous surveillance visits. Meanwhile, Engr. Rap Anthony D. Tatad explained the 5S Pillars in Quality Management: Sort (Seiri), Set (Seiton), Shine (Seiso), Standardize (Seiketsu), Sustain (Shitsuke), which are essential in maintaining organization and orderliness to guarantee efficient flow of work processes and optimal productivity.

The training is intended to ensure that all SorSU employees are well aware and fully understand how their respective roles support and contribute to the effectiveness of QMS of the University. (SorSU PIO)