Sorsogon State University

Guidance and Counseling Services


A transformative support system that empowers students to become well-adjusted and achieve
their full potential in a nurturing environment where every student is valued, supported, and
equipped with life skills for lifelong success.


To provide evidenced-based, quality and innovative programs and services, integrated and
collaborated through a holistic approach in support of the personal, social, academic, and career
development of students.

General Objective

The Guidance and Counseling Services Office aims to assist every student through a gender-sensitive range of professional guidance services, ranging from Counseling, Appraisal (individual inventory & psychological testing), Referral, Follow-Up, Information, Research, and Evaluation to all students particularly those with special needs like Person with Disabilities, Solo Parents and Indigenous People to help them become well-adjusted individuals, use their potential to the fullest and reach their goals. It aims to instill in every student a sense of inclusivity in a just academic environment where everyone’s voice is expressed and heard.

The Guidance and Counseling Services Unit aims to provide a gender sensitive range of professional guidance services such as counseling, appraisal, referral, and follow-up to all students especially those with special needs like Person with Disabilities, Solo Parents and Indigenous People to help them use their potential to the fullest and reach their goals.

Likewise, psychosocial support and counseling shall be provided to victims of bullying, students who are suffering from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and those who are involved in substance abuse.

These services provide important benefits to students by addressing their intellectual, emotional, social and psychological needs.

For continual improvement, the services of the Guidance and Counseling Unit shall be evaluated by the clientele.

Our Services

The SorSU Guidance and Counseling Services Unit offers essential services to its clients, including Counseling, Appraisal, Information, Follow-Up, Referral, and the Issuance of Certificates of Good Moral Character (CGMC). To learn more about each service, please click the “plus” icon.

For additional inquiries, you can email the unit at [email protected] or contact us at 0981-165-9564.

1. Counseling

It is a goal-oriented relationship between a Registered Guidance Counselor and an individual seeking help for the purpose of bringing about an understanding of the self, and/or environment. It is designed to facilitate positive change in student behavior feelings and attitudes. The counselor considers the cultural differences of every client especially the special population like PWD, IP, Solo Parents, LGBTQ+ and others. The types of counseling delivered are personal-social counseling, career counseling, academic counseling to individual and group of students.

The counseling services are available to all students, either through voluntary or referral system.
The student seeking counseling shall fill out the intake interview form (e-form for online sessions).
The counselling session shall be conducted either online, face-to-face or through phone calls.
The Guidance Counselor shall provide intervention to address the student-clients’ pressing needs, respecting their best interest and cultural differences.
The Guidance Counselor shall prepare the in-take summary and shall be kept with utmost confidentiality.

2. Appraisal

It provides practical knowledge of different assessment tools including standardized tests, interviews, and other authentic measures utilized in guidance and counseling. It consists of all information gathered about each student in school. It aims to develop a deeper and fuller self-awareness in the students and it gets to know the client and facilitates self-awareness, self-understanding and decision making on the part of the counselor.

a. Individual Inventory. It systematically collects, evaluates, and interprets data to identify the characteristics and potential of every student. Included in the cumulative record are information like personal data; age; family background and home environment, hobbies, interests, goals, values; personal strengths and personality traits and characteristics; problems and needs; schools attended; grades; co-curricular and extracurricular activities; courses taken; health data; social data and friends.
1. Every student shall accomplish the student individual profile form.
2. Students shall submit and forward the accomplished form to the office.
3. The Guidance Counselor shall update the records of every student from time to time through routine or in-take interviews and testing.
4. Guidance staff shall keep and maintain students’ records with utmost confidentiality.

b. Psychological Testing. It refers to the administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological tests to individuals or group of students. These tests are utilized to assess behavioral tendencies and abilities to know and understand themselves better. The data obtained from the test results are vital in appraising the individual’s capacity and potential. Tests administered to students are Personality Test, Aptitude Test, Intelligence Test, Interest Test, Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes Tests, Emotional Quotient Test, Filipino Work Values Scale and others.
1. The psychological testing service is available to all students.
2. All student interns must undergo a psychological examination to be conducted by the office based on CMO issuances.
3. Students who wish to avail the testing services shall fill out the request for psychological testing.
4. The Psychometrician or Guidance Counselor shall administer, score and interpret the psychological test.
5. Examinees shall be provided with a copy of psychological test report.
6. In case of a lost psychological test report, a student will pay a replacement fee.
7. The Guidance staff shall keep and maintain the psychological test results highly confidential.

3. Information

This service provides students with personal-social information that will help them develop their personality and social life; with educational-academic information that will help them select the proper academic setting and program; with vocational occupational information that would help them learn about the world of work and careers so that they can make appropriate decisions for their future.

4 Follow-Up

It is designed to determine the progress and development of students who have received assistance to further assess what other support to offer so that the service is complete and holistic.

1. The Guidance Counselor shall notify the student-client of the scheduled follow-up session.
2. The Guidance Counselor shall conduct follow-up sessions either online or in the counseling room to ensure privacy and confidentiality.
3. The Guidance Counselor shall prepare the case note after the session and keep it with utmost confidentiality.

5. Referral

Referral is the action taken by the person who sees that a particular individual needs assistance from a guidance counselor. Students, faculty and non-teaching personnel may refer a student for counseling. Referrals also pertains to assistance rendered to clients in obtaining services from professionals or external agencies that might be more effective in helping them.

1. The referring person (students/personnel/faculty members) shall accomplish the referral form and submit it to the Guidance and Counseling Services Unit.
2. The referring person shall attend the meeting / conference with the Guidance Counselor.
3. The referred student shall be accompanied to the Guidance and Counseling Services Unit, if needed.

*** If the case needs to be referred to external agencies, the Guidance Counselor shall:
1. Confer with parent/s or guardian and student-client and provide a a list of professionals that includes psychologists for them to decide who to consult.
2. Encourage the student-client to commit to the referral process.
3. Ensure the university’s supplementary support by conducting a follow-up, either online or through face-to-face meeting with the student-client.

6. Issuance of Certificate of Good Moral Character (CGMC)

The Guidance and Counseling Services Office issues CGMC to students and graduates for purposes like On-The Job training/apprenticeship, scholarship and financial assistance, employment, board examination, enrollment and reference.

1. The student shall pay an amount approved by the University at the Cashier’s Office.
2. The student shall present the Official Receipt and a documentary stamp to the Guidance and Counseling Services Unit.
3. The student shall fill out the request for CGMC form.
4. If the student is going to transfer to another school, he/she shall fill out the exit interview form and attend to the interview by the Guidance Counselor/In-Charge.
5. The Guidance Counselor shall prepare and issue the Certificate of Good Moral Character.

News and Stories

This section provides a compilation of news and stories from the SorSU Guidance and Counseling Services Unit. Browse our articles on Mental Health Month initiatives, career guidance events, other activities, and peer facilitators in action.

❤️ Your story is important. Let’s continue another chapter today!❤️
#AnditoKamiParaSaU #Hereforyou

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