Sorsogon State University
The University Student Council (USC) serves as the representative body for the student population to advance the interests, needs and rights of the students. The University ensures that the concerns of students are heard and addressed within the institution.
What we do ā¤ļø
As the representative of the student body, the student affairs aims to cater to the rights, welfare, opportunities, diversity, equity and inclusivity of every SorSUeƱo.
To represent the interests and concerns of the student body to the Board of Regent, university administration, faculty, and non-teaching personnel.
To advance the rights and well-being of the student body.
To provide opportunities for students to develop and enhance leadership skills.
To organize activities that foster cooperation, collaboration, unity, diversity and inclusivity.
To assist in conflict resolution and address concerns of students.
To provide services or assistance to other organizations of the University.
The officers of the University Student Council (USC) shall be elected annually. The elected President of the USC shall serve as the student regent representing the student body in the Board of Regents.
The USC shall participate in the determination of school policies that directly affect the students. Such participation shall not impair the authority vested by law and CHED regulations.
1. There will be an annual selection and election of officers of the University Student Council and Supreme Student Council. The election of officers shall be done by secret balloting.
2. The Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Supreme Student Council of the four campuses are automatically the candidates for Presidency and Vice Presidency, respectively of the USC. Qualifications of the Vice President are the same as those of the President in as much as the Vice President shall act as President in case of temporary disability, removal from office, or absence of the President.
3. Qualifications of candidates for the presidency and vice presidency shall be strictly followed. No student shall be elected president and vice president unless he/she:
a. is a person of good moral character and integrity
b. possesses good leadership quality
c. has no failing grade in any subject taken the year preceding the election
d. a regular student who is presently enrolled and has been continuously studying in the University for at least two years preceding the election.
4. The following pertinent papers shall support the qualifications required of candidates for the presidency and vice presidency which shall be submitted to the Election Committee (ELECOM).
a. Certificate of Grades
b. Certificate of Regular Status from the Office of the Registrar
c. Certificate of Good Moral Character
d. Platform of Governance
e. Leadership Credential
f. Handled Organizations (position)
g. Leadership Accomplishments and/or Awards
5. Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, etc have the same qualifications of the candidates for presidency and vice presidency except that they have been continuously studying for at least a year preceding the election. They shall submit the same pertinent papers to the ELECOM.
6. For the election of the SorSU-USC officers, the four (4) campuses shall have the same number of qualified voters. In case of a tie, the ELECOM shall break the tie by secret balloting. There shall be eight (8) delegates who are qualified to vote and be voted upon.
7. The ELECOM, which shall serve for the SorSU-USC election, shall be composed of one representative per campus.
8. Elected officers shall be inducted by the President of the University immediately after the election and shall serve for a term of one year.