GUIDE: Viewing of SorSU Admission Test (SorSU-CAT) Result

Below is a guide to view the Admission Test Results of the SorSU-CAT Examinees:

1. Using your web browser, log in with your OPAS account at

2. Upon successful log in, you will be directed to the Result page to view your examination result.

πŸ“ŒIf you need assistance to access your OPAS account, you may send an e-mail to [email protected] or visit the nearest SorSU Campus, Admission Services Unit. To send an e-mail for assistance, indicate the following:

– Subject Email: OPAS Account Assistance

– Full Name of Examinee (Last Name, First Name and Middle Name)

– Application Code (if available)


– Qualifiers are required to pre-register before the enrolment to confirm their slot and must enroll on the scheduled dates. Failure to submit the requirements on the scheduled dates means slots are waived.


– Waitlisted will be accommodated based on the availability of slots and in accordance to rank. Availability of slots shall be determined after the enrolment of qualifiers. Only accommodated waitlisted are required to pre-register for enrolment.

– Check your OPAS account on July 27, 2023 to check if you are accommodated waitlisted. Accommodated waitlisted will be asked to pre-register for enrolment and must enroll until July 28, 2023. Otherwise, visit the Admission Services Unit on July 28, 2023 for possible accommodation.

πŸ“ŒFOR WAITLISTED on their priority course (first course choice) at the same time QUALIFIER on their 2nd course choice

– This means that you are qualified to enroll on your 2nd course choice. To confirm your slot to your 2nd course choice please pre-register. However, should you wish to wait for a slot on your first choice, please be guided accordingly with the reminders for waitlisted. Accommodation of waitlisted is subject to availability of slots and in accordance to rank.


– This means that your composite rating cannot be computed due to your incomplete grade requirements. Please visit SorSU Admission Services Office to verify your incomplete grade requirements.

πŸ“ŒWith Remarks ⏱

– This means that your composite rating did not meet the quota for your applied course, hence, no assurance of accommodation for enrolment. The Admission Services Office does not accept letter of intent. Accommodation is subject to availability of slots and in accordance to rank/rating. Availability of slots shall be determined after the enrolment of waitlisted. (SorSU Admission Services Unit)