Sorsogon State University (SorSU) is pleased to announce the latest updates on the designations of the following esteemed SorSU officials under the leadership of SUC President III, Dr. Geraldine F. De Jesus, to wit:
Prof. Mary Rose B. Lacdang – Director of the National Service Training Program (NSTP)
Prof. Ma. Claire M. Dicen – Dean of the College of Business and Management (CBM)
Prof. Teresa Haide R. Belgica – Acting Dean of the College of Health and Science (CHS)
Prof. Danilo E. Dolindo – Unit Head of the Motorpool Service
The Pamantasang May Puso extends its warm congratulations to Prof. Dicen, Prof. Belgica, Prof. Lacdang, and Prof. Dolindo, commending their dedication and commitment to fulfilling the University mandates and serving the SorSU community.
Please be guided accordingly. (SorSU PIO)