You have 9 days left to register through our Online Pre-Admission System (OPAS).

Sign-up, register and successfully download the certification generated by OPAS as proof of your successful registration
not later than January 10, 2025.

For applicants who have already registered through OPAS, please prepare the complete application requirements and submit at SorSU Sorsogon City Campus, Admission Services Unit.

Application Requirements:
📍Duly signed certification (FM-ADS-003C) generated by OPAS
📍Copy of Grade 5 Form 138/Report Card with GWA
📍One (1) piece recent 2” x 2” colored ID Picture in white background with full handwritten name tag and signature (same picture uploaded in OPAS)
📍Certification from the school principal or adviser that the applicant is expected to graduate at the end of the current school year or academic year
📍Official Receipt of payment for the testing
📍Short yellow folder (not plastic)

Sorsogon State University Admission Services Unit